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01 October 2015, 13:42

Election 2015. Lukashenko calls for peaceful, democratic presidential election in Belarus

MINSK, 1 October (BelTA) – The Belarus president election has to be extremely democratic, peaceful and highly organized. Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko made the statement during the government conference held on 1 October to discuss the country's social, economic, and political situation, BelTA has learned.

Alexander Lukashenko underlined that an election represents the most important form of expression of the nation's will. “It is what true democracy is all about. The election has to be extremely democratic, peaceful and highly organized. People should go to the polls openly and honestly,” said the head of state.

Alexander Lukashenko encouraged Belarusians to go to polling stations and vote the way they deem necessary because every vote is important for the country's future. “We have to keep in mind that by choosing the head of state we determine the country's future development. The choice is based on care for our people, families, prosperity, calm lives, and security,” noted the President.

The current election campaign proceeds in complicated economic conditions. “Everyone has to be thrifty, cut down on spending, reduce prime costs,” said Alexander Lukashenko. He went on saying that the problem had been mentioned by the leaders of major states during the UN summit.

Nevertheless, the measures the government is taking should not affect people in negative ways, demanded the President. “Salaries, pensions, other social obligations of the state are a priority just like prices, export, and accounts receivable. We've reached the bottom and we have no right to drop below that, there is no space. This is why any change must go upwards,” he said. During the government conference the head of state was informed about measures taken in the specified areas.

Apart from that, participants of the conference discussed the political situation in the country, the mood of the general public, the behavior of public formations, and the attitudes in labor collectives.

Ways to ensure public security and uphold law and order before and after the election day were also mentioned. “We cannot allow any provocations, unauthorized events, illegal actions on the part of various kinds of destructive forces,” stressed Alexander Lukashenko.

“After seeing the example of the neighbors people are fed up with provocations and revolutions,” said the President. According to the Belarusian leader, his taking part in the UN summit allowed him to see once again that fierce fighting for redistributing resources, access to resources, and world domination was in progress. “Fighting is in progress. Actions are covered up by pretty words, proposals and statements but behind those we can see every country's own interests. Particularly the strongest countries. This is why we have to stay vigilant, have to see our country and nation, have to take good care of them. We should serve this nation,” concluded Alexander Lukashenko.

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