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24 April 2024, 17:07

Lukashenko: Belarus stands face-to-face against NATO at western borders

MINSK, 24 April (BelTA) – At the western borders Belarus stands face-to-face against NATO. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the statement in his speech at a session of the 7th Belarusian People’s Congress on 24 April, BelTA has learned.

Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “We stand face-to-face against NATO at the western borders. A plan for deploying a 300,000-strong military force on the eastern flank of the bloc has been approved. They call it a deterrence belt. I’d love to understand who they are going to deter.”

He reminded that Poland had deployed army units at the Belarusian border to allegedly defend itself from “mass infiltration of migrants from the Belarusian territory”. “Seriously? Professional military personnel, who are armed to the teeth, are deployed at the border in order to kill women and children? To kill unarmed people, who flee from the war from the countries that they [the West] have devastated. You have seen how they defend the border. They maim and kill and then dump the bodies and the maimed ones on our side,” the head of state pointed out.

A brigade-level force of the German army will be deployed in Lithuania’s territory by 2028 in addition to forces and assets of the NATO joint armed forces 5,000 strong. “The Germans have failed to understand anything. Lessons of the past war were useless for them,” the president remarked.

Up to 20,000 NATO soldiers are concentrated in Poland and the Baltic states. “If you recall, they, the leaders, the elite of Europe called us invaders after World War Two, after the Great Patriotic War. But what about the permanent deployment of over 60,500 military personnel of the U.S. army and over 30,000 NATO military personnel in Western Europe? It is not occupation. It is something else. What political decisions will European leaders make when assault rifles of the American military force are pointed at them? We already see what decisions they make and how independent they are,” Aleksandr Lukashenko added.

Meanwhile, the United States of America is busy upgrading its tactical nuclear weapons, which are kept at airbases in Belgium, Germany, Italy, Türkiye, and Netherlands. “They are called offensive capabilities in military terms. If we go up to the strategic level, the planet will be gone. But they want to live and control the planet like they did before. This is why those are tactical weapons. Attack and offensive components instead of defensive ones,” Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed. “Why do they have to complain about us then? Why were they so agitated when we deployed weapons with similar functionality at our own bases?”

“Latvians are certainly strange people. After all, Latvia is not a rich country. Pensioners have a hard life over there. Young people flee in search of a better life. But amid the widespread hysterics around the threat of a nuclear war, Latvia spends crazy amounts of money on building concrete blocks and metal fences in the border area following Poland’s example. The total budget for building the fences is close to €300 million. By the way, considerable sums are pocketed by high-ranking individuals in such cases on the quiet. We already see high-profile revelations and dismissals,” the president recalled recent events.

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