MINSK, 30 January (BelTA) – On January 30 Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko approved the decision on state border protection in 2025, BelTA has learned.
Before putting his signature, the head of state emphasized the importance of this document. “This is a serious decision to protect the sovereignty and boost the defense capability of our state,” said Aleksandr Lukashenko.
The president noted that the entire security apparatus, from the police to the military, are involved in the defense of the Belarusian border in one way or another, because it's difficult to protect more than 3,600 kilometers of borderline by border troops alone.
“I want to make one thing clear. The border guards should not just protect the state border, they should also warn us about threats in due time. Other agencies are also engaged in this, but it is primarily the task of our border guards to warn us about possible security threats. Then, having mobilized all the forces in the country (from the police to the army, the Defense Ministry), we will be able to confront the enemy,” said the head of state.

“The president of Belarus is very well informed about the situation on the state border, along the perimeter of our country. Today we have specified the tasks and activities not only for border guards, but also for the entire power vertical engaged in protection of the state border,” Chairman of the State Border Committee Konstantin Molostov said answering journalists' questions following the meeting hosted by the head of state.
According to him, the document contains new measures to protect the border as the situation around Belarus remains tense. “But the task for us, border guards, remains unchanged – to ensure reliable protection of the state border,” he said.

According to Konstantin Molostov, the priority tasks for the border service in 2025 will include building up forces and means of the border service, providing border guards with modern weapons and equipment, improving combat training of servicemen and field training of maneuver groups, improving the ability of border guards to prevent and respond to provocations on the state border. The program “Improvement of the Union State border security” will continue. So will the efforts to improve the border infrastructure, and out routine training of the mobilization reserve.
Konstantin Molostov pointed to the continuous improvement of the border service as a whole, including its technical capabilities. “Today, we use a defense-in-depth strategy to protect the state border, i.e. we protect the border not only along the borderline, but we also build up our presence in the border area,” he explained.
According to Konstantin Molostov, the border service is constantly streamlining its operations to protect the state border, ramping up engineering infrastructure, buying new weapons and equipment, improving combat training. As part of the state program “Border security in 2021-2025”, border lines and automated technical observation posts have been equipped, alarm systems and rapidly deployable sensors have been installed.
In addition, a high-tech unit is being formed on the Polish section of the border on the premises of the border outpost named after Hero of the Soviet Union Lieutenant Andrei Kizhevatov, which is part of the Brest Border Guard Group. This is envisaged by the corresponding Union State program set to run until 2027. The formation of such a unit will significantly beef up border security and allow the border service to switch from patrolling the area to responding to emergency situations in real time, as well as to optimize the staff numbers.

Konstantin Molostov explained that this program is revised every year, and its funding depends on the current situation and relevant tasks. “Some data, of course, are classified, so I will not voice them. But in general I will say: the funding is provided not only from the Union State budget, but also from the budget of the Republic of Belarus,” he said.
“Improvements are made every year and in every aspect of the border service,” the chairman of the State Border Committee added.