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16 February 2024, 16:01

Belarusian Belkoopsoyuz asked to convert its development program into action plan 

 MINSK, 16 February (BelTA) – The Belkoopsoyuz development program 2024-2025 adopted by the government must be translated into a specific roadmap, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said during the general meeting of the Belarusian national union of consumer societies Belkoopsoyuz in Minsk on 16 February, BelTA has learned.

"The new leadership of Belkoopsoyuz and all of you need to take this program and convert it into a real action plan. So that it does not remain just wishfull thinking, a kind of conceptual document. What we need is a document of direct action detailing every action," the head of state said. “We need a specific non-nonsense plan of action. This must be done taking into account the things raised today. Otherwise, we will lose personnel."

During the meeting Deputy Prime Minister Leonid Zayats reported in detail on further ways of development of Belkoopsoyuz. Inna Medvedeva, Chairwoman of the National Statistics Committee, and Vasily Gerasimov, Chairman of the State Control Committee, spoke about problematic aspects and shortcomings.

"When preparing for this meeting, I decided that both I and my colleagues should report to you on the state of affairs. So we did," the head of state said in conclusion.

As for the work of consumer cooperative societies, despite the existing problems, Aleksandr Lukashenko said he was not inclined to dramatize the situation. "I'm not saying it's catastrophic. Far from it. But what we have is not good. We need to do better if we want to develop and stay ahead of others. We need better quality. To make sure people are not disappointed," the Belarusian leader stressed.

The head of state recalled his thesis about the ongoing change of generations, and suggested thinking about the legacy: "Tomorrow we will be ordinary people. Youth is such a thing that passes very quickly. You have to proceed from this. Treat people with respect." 

Aleksandr Lukashenko also drew attention to offences, warning and urging officials to prevent such facts. "Bribes and so on. How many times do I have to repeat myself? You cannot conceal your dealings!" the head of state said. 

In his report the head of the State Control Committee said that there are facts when preference is still given to raw materials over products with high added value. “Governors, take this issue under control. You were instructed not to let the raw materials go beyond the countries’ border. We need to make a product with high added value. Today, there is a huge demand for our products, we can sell everything. Why do you export carcasses and half-carcasses?" the president wondered. 

At the end of the meeting, Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed that Belkoopsoyuz, despite its public nature, is in fact more than a state organization. "Belkoopsoyuz is the very state-owned organization. The most state-owned! Don't forget that. Give it assistance and guidance. This is a very state-owned public organization," the Belarusian leader summed up.
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