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04 December 2019, 14:07

Belarus president satisfied with new parliament

MINSK, 4 December (BelTA) – The composition of the newly elected parliament is satisfactory. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the relevant statement as he met with senior officials of the Minsk Oblast administration on 4 December, BelTA has learned.

Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “We've recently held parliamentary elections. When I was in Vitebsk Oblast, I thanked our people and heads of polling-station election commissions, constituency election commissions for having done a brilliant job. You may have noticed that I often criticize the West a bit for their evaluation of our elections. But I have to say that they have also made stunning progress in evaluating our elections.”

“It is our country. You and I are going to determine its future. We cannot let the power slip through our fingers. Otherwise, we will reap the fruits the way our neighbors have done,” the Belarusian leader stressed.

Aleksandr Lukashenko remarked that an overwhelming majority of the citizens had voted for the candidates nominated by the government. “I feel we've elected quite a good parliament. At least as good as it was in the previous years. Maybe even better than that,” the head of state believes.

Continuing his line of thought, Aleksandr Lukashenko pointed out that in response one should listen to people and respond to their requests and hopes. “I understand that there are some full-time occupancy complainants but their number is miniscule. Many people come for help because there is no one else that can help them. They have the right to count on the authorities. As we say, power comes from the people,” the head of state pointed out. “This is why I implore you to remember that we may be in charge now, but tomorrow we will become common people. You don't want to feel shame for your work during these years. You don't want to be reproached later on for the current attitude to the people, who put us in positions of power. Every one of us – from the president – to the civil servants present here.”

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