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01 August 2024, 11:38

Belarus President Property Management Directorate employees honored with state awards

MINSK, 1 August (BelTA) – Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko has conferred state awards on employees of enterprises making up the Belarus President Property Management Directorate system. The ceremony took place at the Palace of Independence on 1 August, BelTA has learned.

The head of state called the ceremony a special and unique one, as it brought together representatives of one big united team - the Belarus President Property Management Directorate, which was established 30 years ago, just a month after the first presidential election in the history of sovereign Belarus took place.

Aleksandr Lukashenko recalled that back then it was a small unit providing logistical support to the work of government bodies of the young independent country. Although some people mistakenly believed that the Belarus President Property Management Directorate would be engaged only in solving everyday issues of the head of state. In fact, this structure is in charge of a wide range of areas. “These are thousands of people who not only provide catering and healthcare services, but also produce food. This is a huge ministry,” the president said.

Today, the organization employs more than 20,000 specialists. Among them are employees of public utilities, construction, culture, healthcare, health resorts, trade, catering, diplomatic service and hotels. The president also mentioned the contribution of 6,000 farmers, thanks to whom the enterprises of the Belarus President Property Management Directorate have become leaders in many areas of the country’s agriculture. The employees of the Department of Humanitarian Activities also received accolades, as thousands of charitable initiatives and socially significant projects have been implemented over this period.

The president stressed that the most important thing is that the Belarus President Property Management Directorate preserves the national heritage of Belarus as this structure is responsible for the world-famous natural brands of the country.

“Belovezhskaya Pushcha and other national parks, Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve, boundless forests with amazing flora and fauna, blue lakes are not just a priceless gift from God and ancestors,” the head of state said. He recalled how at the dawn of his presidency he made decisions to preserve this unique natural treasure. Back then there were numerous attempts, including from abroad, to seize a part of the parks to use it for personal, selfish purposes. Only by the decision of the head of the state the order was put in place there. “Our people, our neighbors, anyone should be able to visit this place, for tourist purposes only. The ban was introduced on the division of natural reserves and parks,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said. “This is what we will pass on to our descendants in pristine condition”. It is also necessary to preserve and pass on the unique cultural code, which, along the Belarusian language, includes folk crafts,” the president pointed out. “They are unmatched in the world,” he said.

The head of state emphasized that dozens of ancient folk traditions had also been preserved, while Belkhudozhpromysly, which was once made part of the Belarus President Property Management Directorate, employs thousands of talented craftsmen. “All this would have disappeared if we hadn't taken care of it. I was the one who had to make the decision. Wherever I paid a visit, people asked me for help to preserve these invaluable things,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

Some of the Belkhudozhpromysly craftsmen were present at the ceremony. It was noted that each of them had their own students. “Thanks to you, we, our children, and numerous tourists know how the famous Slutsk belts, papercutting works of art, traditional clothing, woven towels, and pottery look like. We have preserved the art of weaving from vines and straw, painting on glass, wood, and fabric,” Aleksandr Lukashenko emphasized.

The president expressed confidence that the awards ceremony would become a new incentive for everyone to work even better. “There is no nobler deed in the world than working for the benefit of your country - Belarus,” he stressed. “Time has chosen us to make our country even stronger and more beautiful,” he said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko presented state awards to the employees of the organizations of the Belarus President Property Management Directorate. They received orders, medals and honorary titles for many-year service, high professionalism, personal contribution to the development of the agro-industrial complex, protection of flora and fauna, significant achievements in civil state service and production activities, merits in the construction industry, hotel services, promotion and protection of public health, culture and art.
The Order of Honor was awarded to Ivan Bobrovsky, head of the Ozerny health resort.

A large group of employees was awarded the Medal for Labor Merits. The group included Marta Arutyunova, machine milking operator of the agricultural enterprise Voskhod, Antonina Isakova, leading artist of the art products enterprise Slutsk Belts, Vladimir Pretkel, forester of the Braslav Lakes National Park, Olga Savonchik, seamstress of the Bobruisk unitary production enterprise Factory of Art Products.

The medal of Francysk Skaryna was bestowed upon Sergei Kuntsevich, an orchestra artist - leading musician of the Belarus President Orchestra. Veronika Kutko, Head of the Department for Financing Government Bodies of the Belarus President Property Management Directorate, received the Medal for Impeccable Service III Class.

Irina Abelskaya, Chief Doctor of the National Clinical Medical Center, was awarded the Honored Doctor of the Republic of Belarus title.

Viktor Milto, a tractor-machine operator of the agricultural production of the Staroselie machine yard of the agricultural company Aleksandriyskoye, and Marina Pus, Deputy Director General for Commercial Affairs of the Pinsk meat processing plant, received the Honored Workers of Agriculture of Belarus titles.

Letter of commendation of the President of Belarus for contribution to ensuring favorable conditions for the stay and functioning of diplomatic missions, their staff and representatives of international organizations in Belarus were presented to the staff of the Main Department for the Service of Diplomatic Corps and Official Delegations Dipservice. The letter of commendation also went to the personnel of the President Hotel for significant achievements in hotel and restaurant services and high social and economic development indicators.

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