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20 September 2019, 12:52

Belarus president in favor of keeping majority voting for parliamentary elections

KORELICHI, 20 September (BelTA) – The country should keep the majority voting principle for parliamentary elections. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko made the relevant statement while talking to employees of a flax plant in Korelichi, Grodno Oblast on 20 September, BelTA has learned.

Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “I am already getting proposals to elect members of the parliament using party lists. You will know five parties and their leaders at best. People usually vote for a leader. Nobody knows the rest of the names on the list. Kids, grandkids, and lovers will be inserted into those lists. Everyone will get a spot. I've told them no. We are fine with majority voting for now.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko believes that an MP has to represent his or her constituency and stay in touch with the voters. “Men and women of the people. Go and talk to work collectives, encourage and ask people to vote for you,” the president said.

In his words, the majority voting system works for now. “MPs have to be connected to their voters, to their constituencies. We will act in this direction,” Aleksandr Lukashenko stressed.

Speaking about the current election campaign, Aleksandr Lukashenko said: “We will hold a calm election campaign. It is a rehearsal of the next election campaign – the presidential election. We will get some heat then. We should not lose our temper and should calmly make things the way we need just like Belarusians have always done. Not the way someone else in the west, east, south or north needs. We should do everything to keep our country and to enable proper living standards. Not only for you. Your kids will need to know they have their own piece of land and nobody can whip them anymore.”

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