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28 October 2022, 18:27

Volfovich explains rationale behind Belarus' national security concept

MINSK, 28 October (BelTA) – The national security concept is a response to risks, challenges and threats to Belarus' national security, State Secretary of the Security Council Aleksandr Volfovich told reporters at a solemn gathering and a concert at the Palace of the Republic dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the guard units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, BelTA has learned.

“The draft national security concept is the second most important strategic document after the Constitution. The work on it has been completed. It will be submitted to the Security Council in the near future. We have already started to discuss this document on dialogue platforms in order to explain to the public the new concepts included in this strategic document. Strategic national interests have been expanded, the list of national interests has been increased, a new sphere of national security - biological security- has been defined, and a number of other fundamental concepts were included in the document that seeks to protect our national interests,” he said.

According to him, international experience was studied during the work on this document. “We used the experience of the Russian Federation and its National Security Strategy that was adopted last year. We also studied similar documents of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, as well as the National Security Strategy of the United States of America and a number of European states. Therefore, I think the document came out well. We will present it to the president in the near future and then put it out for discussion. This document, first of all, offers a strategy, a mechanism for responding to risks, challenges and threats to the country's national security,” Aleksandr Volfovich noted.

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