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17 October 2022, 17:33

Volfovich: Belarus remains committed to peaceful solutions, unlike the West

MINSK, 17 October (BelTA) – The West is pushing Ukraine to continue the fratricidal war by all means, State Secretary of the Security Council of Belarus Aleksandr Volfovich said at a briefing on ongoing military and political developments in Belarus and abroad for employees of Minsk Tractor Works (MTZ trademark), BelTA has learned.

Upon the instruction of the head of state, representatives of law enforcement, security agencies and the military meet with labor collectives throughout the country.

“The country's leadership continues the information campaign among labor collectives. I think that everyone in attendance will communicate what their will hear here to their teams. MTZ is one of the most recognizable brands of our country, it is the calling card of ​​our blue-eyed Belarus. BelAZ, MAZ, MTZ, as well as the bison and the stork. And, of course, our Belarusian people are at the heart of everything. And the president of the country has set a task for the country's top officials to communicate information to the public,” Aleksandr Volfovich said.

According to him, the situation unfolding today is contradictory. “Unfortunately, we are witnessing an aggravation of the military and political situation. Our media respond to all developments quite objectively and quickly and keep the public in the picture. Indeed, in order to build a good understanding of the situation, you need to know what is happening,” the state secretary noted.

“Unfortunately, the collective West is going to extraordinary lengths to drag Belarus, this peaceful nook in the center of Europe, into the thick of it. They have already pitted Ukrainians and Russians against each other. And they want to drag Belarusians into this. No, we do not want this. Belarus has always been committed to resolving all issues exclusively by peaceful means, through peaceful negotiations, on the platforms that we provide for negotiations and constructive dialogue. The West does not need it. It is focused on military solutions. It pushes Ukraine in every way it can to keep this fratricidal war going on. There is no other way to define it. They are just stuffing Ukraine with ammunition, missiles, and other heavy weapons in order to continue what is happening there today,” Aleksandr Volfovich added.

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