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30 September 2020, 13:50

Thoughtful changes, reforms seen as the only way forward for Belarus

MINSK, 30 September (BelTA) – It is only through thoughtful changes and reforms that we can ensure the effective development of Belarus, Chairman of the House of Representatives Vladimir Andreichenko said during a meeting of the Council of the House of Representatives, BelTA has learned.

“The MPs should use all legal opportunities to help Belarus leave the zone of social, political and economic instability, counteract the attempts to destabilize the situation in the country and divide the society. Only by preserving peace and order, going the evolutionary rather than revolutionary path, by promoting reasonable, thoughtful changes and reforms as part of the national dialogue that we can ensure the effective development of Belarus as an independent, sovereign state,” Vladimir Andreichenko said.

The MPs will actively participate in the work to update the basic law of the country with the involvement of the widest range of stakeholders. "The MPs are expected to submit concrete proposals in this regard to the Standing Commission on State Construction, Local Government and Regulation by the end of October," the speaker said. “We also need to work actively on Belarus' social and economic development program for the future five-year period, to improve the election legislation, the law on political parties, local governance and self-governance, other key legal instruments related to the political order of the country. MPs have already submitted a number of proposals to expand powers of the government and local authorities to the corresponding ministerial working group,” the speaker said.

MPs will pay primary attention to the social and economic laws which ensure sustainable economic development, effective development of business environment and social protection of citizens.

“The deputy corps of the seventh convocation is expected to consider the package of the budget documents for the next year. MPs as part of interdepartmental working groups have already joined the work on the national budget for 2021 and amendments to the Tax Code. Our common task is to make the budget efficient, ensure efficient spending, and secure the fulfillment of all social obligations of the state,” the chairman of the House of Representatives added.

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