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16 September 2022, 09:24

Status of Belarus-Russia agreements on Union State reviewed in Moscow

MOSCOW, 16 September (BelTA) - Belarusian Ambassador to Russia Dmitry Krutoi met with State Secretary of the Union State of Belarus and Russia Dmitry Mezentsev, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian diplomatic mission.

"The parties had a constructive exchange of views on the ways to advance Belarusian-Russian cooperation," the press service noted. “Particular attention was paid to the implementation of the agreements of the presidents of Belarus and Russia on the development of the Union State. The parties considered in detailed the implementation of the instructions of the Chairman of the Supreme State Council of the Union State, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko of 4 November 2021 to implement major joint projects, including manned cosmonautics, the creation of a new earth sensing apparatus of ultra-high resolution, the design and production of an electronic component base and the setting up of a media holding of the Union State.”

"The parties noted the need to adopt new programs and projects of the Union State, especially in the field of critical import substitution. At the same time, funding for these initiatives from the Union budget should be significantly increased," the press service stressed.

The embassy recalled that since 2000, 73 programs of the Union State have been implemented, including 17 in the field of national security, 56 - in space, electronics, automotive, chemistry, medicine and composite materials. "Seven new draft Union State programs (from components and modules for photonics products to the basic elements of orbital and ground-based means of multi-satellite groupings of spacecraft) are in a high degree of readiness," the press service added.

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