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07 February 2020, 10:56

Russian delegation departs from Moscow to Sochi for Belarus-Russia talks with two-hour delay

SOCHI, 7 February (BelTA) - A plane of the Rossiya special flight detachment carrying a part of the government delegation and journalists of the Russian presidential pool departed from Moscow to Sochi for the talks between the presidents of Russia and Belarus with a two-hour delay, TASS has reported.

Initially, the aircraft was scheduled to depart at 8.00a.m. On board the plane are Deputy Prime Minister Aleksei Overchuk, Energy Minister Alexander Novak and First Deputy Minister of Economic Development Mikhail Babich.

The flight from Moscow's Vnukovo Airport was delayed due to bad weather- a snow storm with strong side winds.

The highest-level talks were scheduled to start at 12.00.

Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko, members of the delegation and journalists of the Belarusian presidential pool arrived in Sochi the day before.

Previously, the bad weather was also reported by the Telegram-channel Pul No.3 which is run by journalists of the Russian presidential pool. In the morning, they posted a photo taken from the plane with the caption: "Do you see Vnukovo Airport out there? No? But it is there. Everything has been covered by snow.”

With regards the upcoming negotiations, Telegram-channel Pul 1 has written: "Negotiations between Lukashenko and Putin will take place in Polyana (the name of the meeting place, though actually, it is The Grand Hotel. A five-star hotel, by the way. The compound belongs to Gazprom (who would have thought?)”.

It is noted that the compound incorporates wooden villas, restaurants, SPA and a huge outdoor pool. “However, this information is not useful either to us or the presidents. Serious negotiations are ahead,” the channel reads.

According to the latest information, the talks of the leaders of the two countries might still begin on time, first in a one-on-one format, with members of delegations joining later.

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