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05 September 2022, 19:16

Opinion: Young Belarusians need to know that not everything is pretty in the West

MINSK, 5 September (BelTA) – It is necessary to explain to young people that not everything looks pretty in the West and they should be proud of their own country, the economic analyst Georgy Grits told the On Point project on BelTA's YouTube channel.

Georgy Grits said: “Our shops have everything. And price regulation is a blessing these days. Despite price controls private companies and retailers are doing well. There was so much outcry that the economy would go under. Yes, the GDP has dropped and there is inflation. But look at Europe: prices for natural gas are sky-high and utility bills are huge. Many say that 20% of Americans cannot afford paying for their homes. The situation in Europe is even worse than that, it is total chaos over there, there are calls not to take showers. But we don't live in the Middle Ages.”

“If we talk objectively, there are things and people we should be proud of. The reasonable nature of the Belarusian nation has allowed preserving the historical identity of the nation. We are reasonable, unhurried, and hardworking. The continuity of generations, stability is our brand and we should treasure it and preserve it. And the young generation needs to be explained that not everything is pretty in the West,” Georgy Grits remarked.

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