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06 September 2022, 15:22

Opinion: West tries to reduce consumption by households using Ukraine conflict

MINSK, 6 September (BelTA) – The West is trying to reduce consumption by their households at the expense of the conflict in Ukraine, Russian political scientist Sergei Kurginyan told the V Teme [On Point] project on BelTA's YouTube channel.

The expert shared his opinion on the decision of European countries to toughen the visa regime for Russians. “Approximately 5-7% of Russians travel abroad. And the number of people who have vital links with Europe is about 3%. These are mostly the elite, rich people. If their rights are infringed, especially the rights of their children, they will start whining. And things will get complicated at this point. There is no uniformity among the rich, either. There are other ‘brilliant' proposals, too. For example, a proposal to force people to sign statements condemning the special operation,” Sergei Kurginyan said.

He also commented on the statement by German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock who said that her fellow citizens need to suffer in order to support Ukraine. “She wants to reduce their consumption by four times, she feels happy about it. Even if she is voted out of office, those who will take over will be proteges of the same politicians who will still need to reduce consumption. With the current level of consumption, the manufacturing industry comes to a standstill. Therefore, they want their citizens not to bathe or brush their teeth and so on. And after some time they will allow them to have a shower once a week. They used to say that a Westerner takes a shower twice a day. Now they recommend just drying themselves with a towel,” the expert said.

According to Sergei Kurginyan, this is one of the strategic goals that are triggered by the Ukrainian micro-event.

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