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02 December 2022, 11:09

Mitskevich: Bill to amend law on Council of Ministers almost ready

MINSK, 2 December (BelTA) - The bill to amend the law "On the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus" is almost ready, Chairman of the Belarusian National Union of Lawyers, Deputy Chairman of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly Valery Mitskevich told reporters when answering a question from a BelTA correspondent.

"Work is underway on the entire package of documents that need to be prepared and, accordingly, adopted following the referendum to amend the Constitution. In terms of some issues we are on the home stretch and the bills are ready for adoption by the House of Representatives. Some still require work. For example, the Electoral Code [the bill to amend the Electoral Code] and the bill "On the Belarusian People's Congress" are almost ready. The bill on the Council of Ministers is also nearly ready. The main work on it is almost over and in the near future it will also be sent to the parliament," Valery Mitskevich said.

He noted that "in addition to these bills, which everyone is talking about, about 90 laws and codes need to be amended." These are normative legal acts that need to be adopted in furtherance of the updated Constitution.

“There is a plan approved by the heads of the parliamentary chambers, the head of the President Administration and the prime minister, according to which the work on each of these bills is carried out. I think it will take no more than two years to start and finish this work,” said Valery Mitskevich.

A conference on Law at the Modern Stage of Society and State Development took place in Minsk on 2 December to mark Lawyer's Day. Attending the event were representatives of various legal specialties who are experts in law, economics, personal data protection and digitalization from all regions of Belarus. The conference also featured representatives of the National Assembly, the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, the Prosecutor General's Office, the Investigative Committee and other state bodies of Belarus.

The conference focused on the implementation of the constitutional right to judicial protection, analysis of the results of judicial reform in Belarus, protection of personal data, digitalization of the law, improvement of tax legislation, legal provision of the country's green economy, settlement of administrative procedures, development of the institution of mediation and other topical issues.

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