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21 November 2022, 17:28

Mitskevich: Belarus in favor of peaceful initiatives aimed at sustainable development of mankind

MINSK, 21 November (BelTA) - Belarus is in favor of good, peaceful initiatives aimed at sustainable development and well-being of mankind, Deputy Chairman of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus Valery Mitskevich said at the plenary session of the 43rd General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA), which is underway in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on 20-25 November, BelTA has learned.

“As the COVID-19 experience has shown, multilateral cooperation is the only way forward. We have only one planet, and despite all our differences, our destinies are intertwined. No one can feel completely safe if someone else is threatened. This applies to the pandemic, climate change, the threat of hunger, the energy and financial crises, conflicts, and also other problems that humanity is facing today," Valery Mitskevich said.

Our strength is in solidarity and partnership, the vice speaker said. "Belarus is ready to cooperate with all countries and regions to solve the urgent tasks facing humanity. First of all, we are talking about food security and food supplies to the most needy countries, building destroyed housing and rebuilding infrastructure, forming a belt of digital good-neighborliness and creating common safe digital ecosystems," he stressed. “We are open to cooperation in economic, environmental, innovative, medical or other areas. Belarus stands for any good, peaceful initiatives aimed at sustainable development and the well-being of mankind. Our planet needs peace, partnership and solidarity for a common future. Belarusian MPs are making every effort to do this."

"During the meeting in the format of a dialogue with representatives of the parliamentary delegations of the 43rd AIPA General Assembly, we intend to discuss the establishment of substantive bilateral cooperation. I am confident that further expansion of ties between Belarus and ASEAN countries meets common interests. I am convinced that the development of relations between Belarus and the ASEAN member states will bring positive results. We have the main thing for this: goodwill and the growth of mutual interest in promoting the dialogue on the principles of justice. This is something that meets the interests of our countries and peoples," Valery Mitskevich added.

The National Assembly of Belarus has been participating in the AIPA General Assembly meetings on a regular basis since 2011 as an observer. This year's assembly focuses on investment in peace, sustainable development and recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic.

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