Screenshot of the video by Belarus 1
MINSK, 24 February (BelTA) – Belarus is among the countries that want to cooperate with Africa in a bona fide way, First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus Sergei Lukashevich told the Belarus 1 TV channel, BelTA reports.
“Of course, those countries that had colonies in Africa have a completely different interest than we do,” Sergei Lukashevich said. He explained that they are interested in profiteering from getting cheap resources from Africa.
“Of course, we are not in this fold. We are among those countries that approach cooperation with Africa with integrity,” he said. “That is why when we come and extend our hand, they shake it. They shake it absolutely openly and candidly.”
Speaking about cooperation with Uganda, Deputy Industry Minister of Belarus Andrei Kuznetsov noted that Belarus can help Uganda develop its agricultural sector. “We offered them help with agricultural mechanization, we would supply a whole range of equipment - self-propelled and trailed machinery, mounted units. We offered them our equipment, our machinery for [harvesting] grain and corn, because this is one of the most developed areas of agriculture there,” he said.
Cooperation is also developing in the political field. Belarus opened the Office of the Honorary Consul in Uganda.