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10 November 2022, 18:38

Makei: Belarus-India cooperation develops in a positive way

MINSK, 10 November (BelTA) – Despite the difficult situation in the world, the Belarusian-Indian cooperation continues to develop in a positive way, Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Makei said at the 11th meeting of the Belarusian-Indian intergovernmental commission in New Delhi, BelTA learned from the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"Despite the geographical remoteness of our states, Belarus considers the development of full-scale cooperation with India as one of its foreign policy priorities," the Belarusian minister said. “It is rightly said that sincerity in relationships and truthful communication are signs of friendship. This is how the Belarusian-Indian relations can be characterized."

According to him, over the past 30 years, the two countries have strengthened cooperation in almost all areas of mutual interest, have reached a qualitatively high and effective level of bilateral contacts. In particular, the seventh round of political ministerial consultations was held in New Delhi in August of this year. Belarus is looking forward to a visit by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

“It is important that our countries have no closed topics for discussion. We are similar in our aspiration and focus on closer bilateral cooperation,” the minister stressed. He mentioned, in particular, the opening of the Consulate General of Belarus in Mumbai last year to promote business contacts, develop regional cooperation and closer cooperation between the two countries.

Vladimir Makei added that the Belarusian government approved the roadmap for the development of key areas of cooperation with India. Despite the fact that it is designed for internal use and implementation by Belarusian ministries and companies in cooperation with India, the document was directly reflected in the protocol of the 11th session of the intergovernmental commission. “It is gratifying that despite the difficult global situation, Belarusian-Indian cooperation continues to develop in a positive way,” the minister of foreign affairs said.

He named the current meeting of the intergovernmental commission a historic one, as it was set to consolidate the achieved results, identify promising projects and draw the attention of the parties to strategic areas of cooperation. “I assure you that all the proposals for the development of bilateral cooperation included in the final protocol of the intergovernmental commission will receive an appropriate response and attention in Belarus,” the minister stressed.

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