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06 October 2022, 17:39

Defense minister concerned about West's readiness to launch aggression against Belarus

MINSK, 6 October (BelTA) – The West has openly demonstrated readiness to launch aggression against Belarus. Belarusian Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin made the statement during a briefing in the Central House of Officers, BelTA has learned.

Viktor Khrenin said: “During a conference held in the Defense Ministry the other day to discuss security matters the head of state gave instructions to inform the general public about the military processes going on around Belarus these days.”

The defense minister stressed that the military political situation around Belarus is not simple. It is evolving under the influence of the unprecedented geopolitical standoff between Russia and the so-called collective West led by the United States of America.

Viktor Khrenin said: “A year ago we saw mounting tensions in the confrontation between Western countries and the countries unwilling to forgo their sovereignty, to become colonies of the Western civilization. But Belarus' repeated calls for common sense resulted in zero response from the governments and representatives of European countries. Suffice it to remember that our president put forward peaceful initiatives meant to ease tensions many times in the last few years.”

The official went on saying that all the attempts to appeal to reason had been futile. The West and the countries it controlled continued whipping up tensions. Under the guise of the fight against a migration crisis three out of four major Polish ground military formations concentrated their assets at the Belarusian-Polish border. The defense minister added that Ukraine, which maps identify Belarus as a foe, had also continued deploying more troops at the Belarusian-Ukrainian border.

Viktor Khrenin stated: “In actual fact the West openly demonstrated readiness to launch aggression against Belarus. And against Russia taking into account the common defense space within the framework of the Union State of Belarus and Russia. It was quite logical for the tensions to evolve into a hot phase.”

In his words, the military clash in Ukraine represents an external manifestation of the global civilizational standoff between the West and the East. “The Western civilization is fighting for its rich life in Ukraine using Ukrainians in a modern version of a major war by proxy against Russia. As a strategic ally of Russia Belarus is also involved in this clash,” Viktor Khrenin said.

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