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18 March 2020, 17:46

Cooperation with Belarus as EAEU member viewed as promising for Iran

MINSK, 18 March (BelTA) - Iran views further development of cooperation with Belarus as promising, especially given the country's membership in the EAEU, Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Belarus Saeed Yari said in an interview with BelTA on the occasion of the 27th anniversary of the establishment of Belarusian-Iranian diplomatic relations, which is marked on 18 March.

“Expanding cooperation within the Eurasian Economic Union is an important aspect in the new roadmap for cooperation between our countries,” the head of the Iranian diplomatic mission said. “The ratification of the preferential trade agreement between Iran and the EAEU last year as well as Belarus' presidency in the EAEU bodies in 2020 create good prospects for the expansion of the Belarusian-Iranian economic ties,” the diplomat believes.

“Iran and Belarus possess complementary economic opportunities that have not yet been fully utilized. In this regard, we plan to develop new approaches in cooperation and hope that they will be formulated at the next meeting of the joint economic commission, which we hope to hold this year," the diplomat said.

According to Ambassador Saeed Yari, Iran considers it necessary to make more active use of Belarus' achievements in such industrial sectors as the production of tractors, harvesters, buses and trucks, and woodworking. Iran, in turn, is ready to offer its capabilities in petrochemistry, pharmacy, construction materials and agricultural products.

“Iranian companies are building office and commercial premises, agricultural and livestock complexes and a powder paint facility in Belarus. The Prilesie logistic center not far from Minsk has been set up with the participation of Iranian partners. There are joint projects in the field of medicine and pharmaceuticals, between different scientific centers. The joint Belarusian-Iranian commission on science and technology is one of the most important mechanisms for coordinating these projects. We hope to hold the seventh meeting of the commission in Tehran this year,” At the same time, the diplomat noted that more investment projects are hindered by the US sanctions imposed on Iran.

When asked about possible oil supplies from Iran to Belarus, the ambassador said: “The Belarusian government has not sent an official request for the purchase of oil from Iran, and the parties have not held such negotiations. Being one of the largest oil exporters in the Middle East, we are ready to sell oil and oil products. This is business. Such issues should not be politicized.”

“Belarus and Iran are marking 27 years of diplomatic relations this year. Over the period, the two countries have developed bilateral relations on the basis of mutual understanding and respect. The states exchanged meetings at the supreme level, hosted meetings of ministerial delegations, 14 meetings of the joint economic commission, six meetings of the joint commission on science and technology, five political consultations, five meetings of joint consular commission. A number of important bilateral documents were signed as well,” the ambassador said.

Ambassador Saeed Yari also spoke about the novel coronavirus: “Unfortunately, the coronavirus is gripping the world. Iran has been no exception, and despite all the sanitary and medical measures, the virus has spread rapidly in recent weeks.” The diplomat believes that all the countries need to join efforts to confront the pandemic.

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