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03 November 2022, 14:00

CIS security chiefs call for prompt peaceful settlement in Ukraine

MOSCOW, 3 November (BelTA) – Secretaries of the Security Councils of the CIS member states call for the peaceful settlement in Ukraine peacefully as soon as possible, State Secretary of the Belarusian Security Council Aleksandr Volfovich told the media following the 10th meeting of Secretaries of the CIS Security Councils in Moscow on 3 November, BelTA has learned.

"Of course, we discussed the situation in the post-Soviet space against the background of Russia's special military operation. Everyone called for earliest peaceful resolution of this conflict, for an end to the death of fraternal peoples and bloodshed. This conflict is, first of all, a clash of interests, I would say, on the initiative and through the efforts of the collective West led by the United States, which pitted two fraternal peoples against each other. This must be stopped immediately and resolved peacefully," Aleksandr Volfovich noted.

The West does not want the Ukrainian crisis to end peacefully, he noted. "Unfortunately, the attempts that the Russian Federation is making today are not perceived normally by the political leadership of Ukraine. Instead of reasoning with Zelensky, the collective West is adding fuel to the fire," Aleksandr Volfovich said.

"It is necessary to look for ways and means to stop the bloodshed," Aleksandr Volfovich added.

He stressed that the meeting in Moscow was more important than ever. “The situation has aggravated, unfortunately, throughout the post-Soviet space. There is a need to develop more constructive, close mechanisms for interaction on collective security issues,” the state secretary noted. “We had a constructive exchange of views on international and regional security. At a time of the geopolitical confrontation the CIS countries are likely to face similar tendencies in the foreign policy situation, negative factors affecting the security of the countries.”

According to him, the meeting touched upon the issues of biological security, the fight against drug trafficking, countering terrorism, nuclear safety and many other topics.

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