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17 June 2020, 17:31

CIS IPA to observe parliamentary elections in Serbia

MINSK, 17 June (BelTA) - The CIS Inter-Parliamentary Assembly will send observers to monitor the elections to the National Assembly (parliament) of Serbia due on 21 June, BelTA learned from the CIS IPA press service.

Observers will work in Serbia on 19-22 June. Monitoring will be organized on the voting day at a foreign polling station in the Serbian Embassy in Moscow. The CIS IPA observation delegation will include Deputy Secretary General of the CIS IPA Council – plenipotentiary representative of the Moldovan Parliament Ion Lipchiu, the deputy head of the secretariat of the CIS IPA Council - director of the CIS IPA International Institute for Monitoring Democracy Development, Parliamentarianism and Suffrage Protection of Citizens Ivan Mushket and others.

The invitation to participate in the monitoring of the elections to the National Assembly was sent to the CIS IPA head Valentina Matviyenko on 6 March 2020. The elections were originally scheduled to take place on 26 April, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic and a state of emergency imposed in Serbia, the voting date was postponed. The election campaign resumed on 10 May after the state of emergency was lifted, the press service recalled.

Monitoring of electoral processes and respect for citizens' voting rights is one of the key areas of work of the CIS IPA. The CIS IPA has observed more than 130 election campaigns both in the CIS member states and other countries.

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