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03 November 2022, 14:31

Belarus warns Poland against aggression

MOSCOW, 3 November (BelTA) – Belarus is concerned over militarization of Poland and its aggressive intentions, State Secretary of the Belarusian Security Council Aleksandr Volfovich told the media following the 10th meeting of Secretaries of the CIS Security Councils in Moscow on 3 November, BelTA has learned.

"Being an outpost in the Eastern European region of collective security, Belarus has faced, unfortunately, all security challenges and threats. First of all, we are concerned about the military presence on the territory of the neighboring states, and the military rhetoric from our neighbors. Militarization of Poland and its aggressive intentions are of primary concern: to the detriment of their own economic interests, the country has opted for militarization, an increase in the number of armed forces, hardware. No one cares about ordinary Polish people and their needs. But the goal of these actions is clear: to unleash aggression. Unleash aggression against whom? Naturally, the closest is the Republic of Belarus. But the Polish leadership must understand that if it unleashes aggression, the war will affect not only the territory of Belarus. It will set the entire Eastern Europe on fire. This will affect the peaceful people of Poland and other countries, who will not forgive their political leaders for what they did," Aleksandr Volfovich noted.

The neighboring countries do not want to negotiate. "We need to resolve issues in a peaceful, civilized, democratic way, sit down at the negotiating table, discuss problems, find common ground. This is something that, unfortunately, the political leadership of the neighboring countries is not willing to do today. Instead they are terminating all international treaties, drawing some kind of iron curtain," the state secretary said.

"The Berlin Wall, which was once divided Germany, has been recreated on the territory of Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Five-meter fences have been built, barbed wire has been installed both in Poland and also in the Baltic states. The leadership of these countries is not seeking any contacts and is not going to discuss problems. This is sad, worrisome and wrong," Aleksandr Volfovich emphasized.

The meeting of the secretaries of the CIS security councils highlighted topical issues of international and regional security, including the situation in the post-Soviet space in the context of Russia's special military operation in Ukraine. The participants of the meeting discussed the issues related to combating destructive activities of foreign NGOs, glorification of fascism and falsification of history in the CIS countries. Problems of nuclear security and nonproliferation of nuclear weapons were also on the agenda.

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