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09 November 2022, 18:23

Belarus' MFA comments on calls to boycott 2022 World Cup in Qatar

MINSK, 9 November (BelTA) – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus has responded to the calls of some Western activists and politicians to boycott the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar that will begin in a few weeks, Press Secretary of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Anatoly Glaz said when asked by BelTA to comment on the situation.

The press secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted that Qatar became the first Arab country to get the right to host the World Cup: “In order to live up to the trust and make this event an unforgettable experience for every sports lover, the country has invested a lot of effort, built and refurbished stadiums, opened new hotels, upgraded transport infrastructure, etc. Being a country that has hosted many major international sports events, we know perfectly well how much effort it takes, including financial, organizational and human effort.”

Anatoly Glaz stressed that Belarus has repeatedly been subjected to criticism and perfectly understands the true motives behind the unfair criticism that some European politicians and activists have literally unleashed against Qatar. “These are the double standards of the so-called civilized Western world. They unashamedly use the important sporting event to bully another country for their own selfish purposes. Unfortunately, some cynical functionaries in the West have long used sport as one of the tools to satisfy their political ambitions and achieve goals. The unjustified suspension of Paralympic athletes from competitions suggests that they hold no thing sacred. What right do they have to criticize at all?" the spokesman said.

He noted that Belarus trusts the statements of Qatar that explains everything clearly. "We also respect the right of every state to its own path of development, culture and identity. We wish our Qatari friends to hold a successful championship, and our football fans - to enjoy the beautiful game and the atmosphere of a sports holiday and unity," Anatoly Glaz summed up.

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