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22 January 2024, 19:37

Belarus’ FM talks about importance of historical moment, about diplomatic accomplishments

Sergei Aleinik
Sergei Aleinik
MINSK, 22 January (BelTA) – During a solemn assembly on the occasion of the 105th anniversary of Belarus’ diplomatic service Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Aleinik mentioned the particular importance of the current historical period and shared vivid diplomatic accomplishments, BelTA has learned.

Sergei Aleinik said: “Every one of us understands and feels the acuity of the moment in time where we happen to live and work. Yes, the stage when a new world order is taking shape is a turning point. It means it is quite complicated without an exaggeration. But it is in this historical moment that we secure a place for our Belarus in the new system of international relations. How strong Belarus’ voice will be in the international arena, how successfully our country will continue developing depends on how well we will work.”

Diplomats bear huge responsibility for this accomplishment but at the same time there is pride for the results they manage to accomplish with everyday work, the minister of foreign affairs added. In his words, the example of the last five years makes it clearly visible. During the five years Belarus had to redesign directions of its foreign policy and foreign economy efforts and do it as promptly and efficiently as possible due to various circumstances (the pandemic, the unprecedented Western pressure, due to the Russia-Ukraine confrontation).

“We have achieved tangible results of importance for the country, bright diplomatic accomplishments,” the minister of foreign affairs stated. Among them he mentioned the achievement of an unprecedented level of relations with Russia – a strategic ally of Belarus.

“Our export to Russia over the course of five years has reached a historic high by virtually doubling. We’ve had a foreign trade surplus for two years in a row. It has never happened in the history of sovereign Belarus,” Sergei Aleinik stated.

In his opinion, Belarus’ presidency over the Eurasian Economic Union, the Commonwealth of Independent States, and the Collective Security Treaty Organization have been productive and memorable. Substantial progress has been achieved in interaction with remote countries. The number of and effectiveness of contacts with these countries has skyrocketed. Particularly at the top and high levels. “Relations of all-weather and all-round strategic partnership have been established with China. Substantial progress has been secured in building up Belarus’ cooperation with countries of the Global South in the multilateral format and the bilateral one,” the minister of foreign affairs said.

He also drew attention to a breakthrough in Belarus’ accession to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. The process of legal implementation of Belarus’ full membership in this organization is supposed to be finished this year. Belarus may join BRICS soon after that.

At the same time the minister of foreign affairs mentioned a profound crisis in relations with the West.

“But through joint efforts we’ve managed to successfully and quite efficiently counteract Western pressure. All of it happened thanks to systemic work, unconventional decisions meant to counter political demarches and economic sanctions,” he said.

Sergei Aleinik drew attention to considerable accomplishments in the field of foreign trade. In the last five years Belarus’ merchandise export rose by nearly 20%. Belarus trades with over 210 countries across the globe despite pressure, sanctions, and the illusion of isolation on the part of unfriendly countries.

Meanwhile, diplomats also have to fight to defend Belarus’ interests on multilateral platforms and counteract expressly politicized anti-Belarusian decisions and initiatives.

“Despite all the hardships we continue promoting exclusively a uniting agenda,” the minister stressed.

The Belarusian minister of foreign affairs thanked the staff of the ministry and foreign diplomatic missions for working hard every day in all the versatile aspects of the diplomatic service: “Our work allows producing tangible results for the country and enabling operation even in complicated geopolitical and economic conditions.”

“Employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have earned a reputation as civil servants with a quality mark. In the Year of Quality I expect our collective to continue promoting interests of native Belarus in a worthy manner despite the compact size and the expanding palette of tasks and geography,” Sergei Aleinik concluded.

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