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10 June 2022, 16:33

Belarus concerned about emerging threats to Collective Security Treaty Organization

MINSK, 10 June (BelTA) – The Collective Security Treaty Organization has to know how to adequately respond to the challenges and threats that appear virtually every day. Belarusian Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Makei made the statement after a session of the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Collective Security Treaty Organization countries in Yerevan, Armenia on 10 June, BelTA has learned.

Vladimir Makei said: “We believe that our organization has to know how to adequately respond to the challenges and threats that regretfully appear virtually every day. We paid considerable attention to this matter during the private session and the expanded one.”

Vladimir Makei reminded that 2022 marks 30 years since the Collective Security Treaty was signed and 20 years since the Collective Security Treaty Organization was established. In his words, these dates leave their impression on discussions about all the matters concerning the work of the Collective Security Treaty Organization.

The Belarusian minister of foreign affairs went on saying: “Today you see what threats and challenges for the post-Soviet space, including for members of our organizations, have appeared and keep appearing in the world. Those are global challenges relating to some global things (climate change, the pandemic) and other things. And those are some real circumstances that represent a certain threat to our organization: the situation in Afghanistan, the reinforcement of NATO at western borders of our organization and so on.”

Vladimir Makei said: “This is why certainly as we mark these anniversary dates, we are not going to rest on laurels. On the contrary, during today's session of the CSTO Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs we discussed matters relating to the reinforcement of our organization, the determination of our organization's place in new conditions, in the system of international relations.”

The ministers of foreign affairs had also exchanged opinions about the development of the international situation in the region.

Vladimir Makei informed his counterparts about the steps NATO is taking at Belarus' western borders. “Unfortunately, we see mounting tensions, which are directed against our organization as well. The number of NATO military personnel deployed at our border is rising. The number of war games held every year is rising,” he pointed out.

The ministers came to an agreement on tight interaction in foreign policy matters. The relevant plan for consultations to be held in 2022-2024 was signed.

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