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26 August 2020, 10:54

Belarus' ambassador presents copies of credentials to Kazakhstan's deputy FM

MINSK, 26 August (BelTA) – Ambassador of Belarus to Kazakhstan Pavel Utyupin has presented copies of his credentials to Marat Syzdykov, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan. This information was posted on the website of the Belarusian diplomatic mission, BelTA informs.

The diplomats exchanged views on topical issues of Belarus-Kazakhstan cooperation, with a focus on bilateral events involving the leaders of the two countries, as well as the activities of the intergovernmental commission on trade and economic cooperation.

A reminder, former Industry Minister Pavel Utyupin was appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to Kazakhstan on 20 July. Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that he wanted the ambassador to spur the development of industrial cooperation between the two countries. “I promised the president [of Kazakhstan] to appoint a very intelligent and decent person. Cooperation in industry is very important for us. So don't think the job is easy. We need closer ties with Kazakhstan. We have well-developed agricultural machinery sector, our competences are decent. This is something they do not have. I very much hope that your experience in the industrial sector will help us step up trade with Kazakhstan. The country is interesting, people are interesting. The amount of work is enormous,” the president said.

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