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05 December 2022, 13:48

Andreichenko: West spares no effort to slow down integration in post-Soviet space

MINSK, 5 December (BelTA) - A delegation of the House of Representatives headed by Speaker Vladimir Andreichenko is taking part in the on-site meeting of the CSTO PA Council and the fifteenth plenary session of the CSTO PA in Moscow. In the Column Hall of the House of the Unions, Vladimir Andreichenko made a speech on topical issues of the military-political situation in the CSTO zone of responsibility, BelTA learned from the press service of the House of Representatives.

"The modern world is interconnected. An event in one country inevitably echoes in another state. Colossal efforts, endurance and wisdom are required to make sure the chain of events does not put the planet on the verge of destruction,” the speaker emphasized. “Of course, we see the complexity of the military-political situation along the perimeter of the CSTO zone of responsibility, including the western direction. The NATO forces in Belarus' neighboring countries have grown more than 17 times. The number of exercises is growing, the military infrastructure is being improved. There is a constant process of building up weapons and military hardware. Pursuing a peaceful foreign policy, our countries have never threatened anyone and are not going to do so in the future. We don't need war. We simply have to respond adequately to emerging threats. To this end, the presidents of Belarus and Russia decided to use the regional task force of the Union State. Thus, we have reliably protected the western borders of the CSTO. But can we be sure that they will not strike from the other side?"

They are trying to divide us, drive a wedge and destroy the continuity in relations that have united us for more than one generation, Vladimir Andreichenko said. Opponents spare no expense and effort to slow down integration processes in the post-Soviet space and especially in Greater Eurasia. Their goal is to preserve unhindered access to natural resources, preferably for free, as it was in the 1990s," he said. “The United States and its allies stop at nothing, even at a global catastrophe. We must understand that we can survive in this fight for survival only together.”

“Of course, each of the CSTO countries has its own national interests. They must be respected and taken into account when we develop a joint strategy for action. But we also see that today the very existence of our countries and peoples is under threat. Our primary task is to prevent destabilization in the region, to honor our allied obligations, to defend what our citizens are vitally interested in: peace, economic development, common values," the speaker stated.

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