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11 June 2024, 11:06

Beijing receives 7.8 million holiday traveler visits

BEIJING, 11 June (BelTA - China Daily) - During the recent Dragon Boat Festival from June 8 to 10, Beijing experienced a surge in tourism, with approximately 7.8 million traveler visits as reported by the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism.

Key attractions such as Wangfujing and Qianmen streets, the Summer Palace, and the Olympic Park emerged as top favorites among travelers, contributing to the vibrant tourism landscape of the city. Additionally, the city's rural areas witnessed a notable increase in visits, totaling 1.35 million, marking a significant 16.3 percent rise compared to the previous year. Yanqing, Miyun, and Huairou stood out as the most sought-after countryside destinations.

Throughout the festival period, Beijing hosted over 1,100 cultural events that captivated 1.41 million participants. Intangible cultural heritage showcases and art performances emerged as crowd favorites, enriching the cultural experience for both locals and visitors alike amid the festive celebrations.  
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