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08 October 2020, 20:55

Postal Salon opens in Minsk

On World Post Day on 8 October, the Minsk main post office hosted the ceremony to open the Postal Salon. The new facility sells postage products and souvenirs and features an area for exhibitions and conferences. The Postal Salon also boasts the Philately shop.

Photos by Sergei Seheleg

Belarus Communications and Informatization Minister Konstantin Shulgan
Head of the Marka publishing center of Belpochta Irina Shipilova, Communications and Informatization Minister Konstantin Shulgan, and Director General of the Belpochta postal service Svetlana Yurkevich
Head of the Marka publishing center of Belpochta Irina Shipilova
Shop assistants Angelina Semechko and Kristina Kazakova
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