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06 January 2021, 12:12

Live nativity scene near Kolozha Church

GRODNO, 6 January (BelTA) - Sts Boris and Gleb Chruch (Kolozha Church) brought Christmas to life with a live nativity scene on the eve of one of the main holidays of Orthodox believers.

Sts Boris and Gleb Chruch (Kolozha Church) is a specimen of ancient Russian architecture. The church was built in the late 12th century on the high bank of the Neman River near Zamkovaya Gora (Castle Hill) following the traditions of Byzantine church architecture. It has no direct analogues neither in ancient Russian nor in Balkan architecture.

Kolozha Church has been added to the State List of Historic and Cultural Values of the Republic of Belarus and the UNESCO World Heritage Site Tentative List.

Photos by Leonid Shcheglov

Свято-Борисо-Глебская Коложская церковь
Настоятель Свято-Борисо-Глебской Коложской церкви протоиерей Александр Болонников
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