Belarusian Instagram bloggers and photographers have been posting photos from farmer Oleg Dobulyak's nursery for many years already. They usually caption the photos “My Lavender Fairytale, "Feels Like Provence”. Yet the geotag gives away the location of the lavender photo shoots – Rudnya-Sponitskaya, Vetka District, Belarus. BelTA's correspondents went to visit the farmer to see the lavender fields and to learn the farmer's plans for the future.
It was easy to find the farm. A purple field stands out in the greenery of Belarusian forests. Its owner Oleg Dobulyak is from Moldova. He graduated from the Agricultural Institute in Chisinau with a degree in hydro amelioration. In 1999 he moved to Belarus.
In 2010, the family decided to open a farm. They devised a business project and applied for financial assistance from the state. According to the farmer, initially he wanted to plant a fruit orchard. However, he had to adjust the plans. “Soil is sandy here. The orchard did not take root. I uprooted it and decided to try lavender,” Oleg said. He chose the variety that is more adapted to the northern climate.
Lavender is not that delicate as it would seem. “It is not that demanding. You just need to take care of it on time, remove weeds. It winters perfectly. You do not need to shelter it or to wrap it up,” the farmer said.
Now the crop, which is unusual for Belarus, occupies two hectares on the farm. The areas were larger, but the May beetles destroyed some of the crops.
The farmer said he started growing lavender as a hobby. It is easy to understand him when you breath in the spicy, thick, soothing aroma of lilac flowers.
“You can see all shades of purple here. It is a feast for the eyes. This year we decided to make little bouquets,” the farmer said contemplating about ways to monetize his hobby.
There are many bees buzzing over the bushes. “Beekeeping is another hobby of mine, although I was afraid of bees as a kid. Lavender honey has a different color and taste. However, we make this honey so far only for family and friends,” Oleg said.
The farmer has plans to arrange a good recreation zone near the field.
A two-level gazebo with a panoramic view has already been installed. Other details are kept secret.
Lavender growing is not the only experiment of the farmer. He has 50 hectares of land near the village of Rudnya-Sponitskaya, and another 30 hectares in the village of Stanki.
More than 50 plant species grow there, including barberry, peony, hibiscus, hydrangea, wisteria, about 60 varieties of roses, blueberries, cherries, pears.
An apple garden with dozens of apple varieties has been planted on the area of 25 hectares. “The garden is already bearing fruit. Now we are thinking about storage facilities,” the farmer added.
According to him, he is ready to experiment with all kinds of crops. “Naturally, different plants need different treatment,” Oleg explained. He is now trying to grow lemon and fig.
“Yucca looks amazing in bloom. It is a rather undemanding plant. It can be used for urban greening and for landscaping of homesteads,” Oleg said.
Seedlings from the farmer's nursery take root perfectly in gardens far beyond Gomel Oblast. After harvesting the first fruits and berries from their trees and shrubs many gardeners come back to Vetka District to buy more.
While we are talking, Oleg is taking some phone calls. “Please, bring a picture and we will tell you the variety,” he says into the phone. After finishing the call he says: “They bought one of our cherry trees, liked it very much and want some more seedlings.”
Oleg has loved gardening since childhood: “Everything comes from family. As a kid, I saw how my parents worked. It was an example for me.” Oleg's family, including his wife, daughter and son, as well as hired workers help him to run the farm today.
The farmer does not hide the fact that farming is a job which knows almost no weekends or breaks. “In winter, you need to make sure that rodents, hares do not damage plants. You cannot miss the time of tree pruning either. After that you need to get ready for planting,” he lists. Over the past ten years, the farmer went for a holiday at the seaside only once.
“Farming requires both huge physical efforts and investment. I keep saying that you need to work hard. There is no need to be afraid of risks. You need to look for and try something new all the time. Only then you will be able to achieve something,” Oleg Dobulyak said.
Tamara Subotko
Photos by Sergei Kholodilin,