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23 February 2022, 07:27

Day of Fatherland Defenders and the Armed Forces in BelTA's pictures

A tribute to the defenders of the Fatherland! On 23 February, Belarus celebrates the Day of Fatherland Defenders and the Armed Forces. A celebration of valor, honor and courage.

The history of the holiday goes back to 1918. On this day, the Red Guards won their first victories at Pskov and Narva over the regular troops of the Kaiser's Germany.

These victories became the birthday of the Red Army. Since 1946, the holiday was called the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. In sovereign Belarus, 23 February is the Day of the Fatherland Defenders and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus.

BelTA sends its greetings to all the defenders: those who fought for the Motherland, and those who are protecting the country today, and all men, regardless of ranks and age. After all, the main message of the holiday is to celebrate defenders of the Fatherland. Courage and heroism of different generations who stood guard for the Motherland are in our archival photographs.

Field training, 1960

Minsk Higher Military-Political Combined Arms School, 1981

Brest-based 38th Guards Air Assault Brigade, 2020

Brest paratroopers stage a show, 2020

Oath of enlistment ceremony in Grodno, 2021

Shooting drills, 1952

V. Zimnyukov, 1961

Brestsky training ground, 2021

Gozhsky training ground, 2021

Military drills, 1978

I. Statsevich, 1961

Brest Fortress

Vitebsk paratroopers, 2021

Military drills, 1961

Oath of enlistment at the Mound of Glory, 2021

Brest Fortress

Military drills, 1959

Zapad 2021 exercise, 2021

Oath of enlistment at the Mound of Glory, 2021

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