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12 August 2021, 12:33

 Regional budget revenue exceeds expenditure in Belarus

GRODNO, 12 August (BelTA) - Regional budgets are running surpluses, Belarusian Finance Minister Yuri Seliverstov said ahead of a meeting of (at) the Grodno Oblast Executive Committee, BelTA has learned.

The Grodno regional administration reviewed the results of the social and economic development of the region in H1 2021. It was noted that in January-June the regional budget saw growing revenue and is running a budget surplus.

"The regions performed better than planned and are doing better on fiscal front than the national budget," Yuri Seliverstov noted. He stressed that in January-July, the national budget had a deficit of about Br300 million, well below the projection of over Br2 billion. Meanwhile, Grodno Oblast and other regions are running budget surpluses.
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