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27 April 2024, 15:22

Presidents of Zimbabwe, Kenya visit Belarus' exposition at Zimbabwe International Trade Fair

Photo courtesy of Belinterexpo
Photo courtesy of Belinterexpo
MINSK, 27 April (BelTA) – The presidents of the Republic of Zimbabwe and the Republic of Kenya have visited the Made in Belarus exposition at the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair, BelTA learned from the Belinterexpo exhibition enterprise of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BelCCI).

The highlight of the final day of the international universal exhibition Zimbabwe International Trade Fair in Zimbabwe's city of Bulawayo was the visit of big delegations from the Republic of Zimbabwe and the Republic of Kenya to the Made in Belarus exposition. The exposition  featured Belarusian enterprises specializing in the food industry, mechanical engineering and education.

President of the Republic of Zimbabwe Emmerson Mnangagwa and President of the Republic of Kenya William Ruto studied Belarusian products and services. Belarusian enterprises modified their offer taking into consideration specific needs of the African market.

“Belarus is a reliable partner and friend for many African countries. We especially appreciate the support and assistance of our Belarusian partners in running joint projects involving the leading representatives of industry, business and education of the two countries,” Emmerson Mnangagwa said addressing the organizers and participants of the Belarusian exposition.

“The Kenyan market is open to companies from Belarus. We continue our work to develop a business agenda for the socio-economic partnership at the highest level,” noted William Ruto.

Belarusian products are in demand in the African market. The most popular products include affordable and high-quality equipment and foodstuffs, as well as educational programs.

On 22-27 April, domestic enterprises and companies took part in several international exhibitions.

The Made in Belarus and the Belarus. The Taste of Nature exposition projects were presented this week at the INNOPROM. Central Asia expo in Uzbekistan, the DJAZAGRO international exhibition of food and beverages in Algeria and the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair. The expositions were organized by the Belinterexpo company of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

“In the Year of Quality, we doubled down on our exhibition activities worldwide. Belarusian products are popular, loved and appreciated abroad. The wide geography of our expositions is a testimony to this. Belarusian products are synonymous of quality,” Belinterexpo director Natalya Kurash noted.

The participation of Belarusian companies in international exhibitions resulted in signing a number of contracts and agreements with foreign partners.
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