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11 January 2024, 18:08

Minsk mayor visits MAZ’s new bus factory construction site

MINSK, 11 January (BelTA) – Chairman of the Minsk City Executive Committee Vladimir Kukharev visited the construction site of a new bus manufacturing division of the Belarusian automobile manufacturer OAO MAZ, BelTA has learned.

The Minsk mayor was informed about progress of the work and future prospects of the company’s development. Vladimir Kukharev drew attention to the need to stay on schedule and resolve emerging issues promptly. He also wondered whether MAZ or the construction company needed any assistance from the city administration.

Director General of OAO MAZ, managing company of the holding company BelavtoMAZ Valery Ivankovich assured that construction proceeds on schedule.

The innovative project is being implemented upon instructions of the head of state and with financial assistance of the Minsk City Executive Committee. A new manufacturing wing is being erected to increase the vehicle output capacity to 3,000 per annum. The facility will use a closed loop manufacturing cycle and will make electric vehicles among other things.

Valery Ivankovich said: “We are building a complex to make contemporary transport vehicles. All the technical accomplishments of Minsk Automobile Plant (MAZ) will be implemented here.” The executive thanked the Minsk City Executive Committee for support. The project’s implementation will allow improving the quality of manufactured vehicles among other things. New jobs will be created and modern equipment will be installed as part of the project.

The work began in early 2023. “Old buildings stood here. The site was cleaned up. Pillars have already been erected. All the earthwork operations have been completed. Foundations have been built. Ceilings are now being installed,” the executive added.

In 2023 MAZ made 1,800 passenger vehicles. Demand for these vehicles is high in Belarus and abroad. The new factory will be able to make 3,000 vehicles per annum. “It is a very good ‘headache’ that will inspire joy not only in me as the director general but also in MAZ workers. As they walk by the site every day, they see how a new industrial facility is being built. It means that Minsk Automobile Plant lives and grows,” Valery Ivankovich stressed.

The head of Minsk’s Zavodskoi District administration Sergei Maslyak added that such massive projects are important for any region. They bring investments and represent a step forward. “At present the enterprise employs about 14,000 people. The commissioning of the new manufacturing division with the output capacity of 3,000 vehicles per annum will create 334 jobs. It is a substantial figure for Zavodskoi District,” Sergei Maslyak said. “Since 2024 has been declared the Year of Quality, we will try to make these products compliant with modern requirements.”

He mentioned efforts to attract and retain personnel, including young people. Young specialists come under the care of engineers and the director right away. Housing accommodation problems are being addressed.

The bus factory reconstruction project is included into the program on innovation-driven development of the Republic of Belarus in 2021-2025. In 2023 the Minsk City Executive Committee allocated over Br71 million from the innovation fund for realizing the project. The most active phase of the project’s realization will take place in 2024. There are plans to finish construction and interior finish of the manufacturing wing, buy and install process equipment, including equipment for painting, auto body repair, and end trim of the passenger vehicles. Startup and commissioning operations will be left to do. The new bus factory is expected to be commissioned in early 2025.

The realization of the reconstruction project will ensure OAO MAZ’s development in the future. Additional revenues from selling the passenger vehicles will fund the modernization of the main manufacturing facility that makes automobiles. MAZ will be able to make products with high export potential.

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