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09 July 2024, 13:43

Minister: Belarus is interested in joining SCO promising projects

Aleksandr Yefimov. An archive photo
Aleksandr Yefimov. An archive photo
MINSK, 9 July (BelTA) – Belarusian manufacturers are interested in taking an active part in promising projects of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Belarusian Industry Minister Aleksandr Yefimov said at the session “Horizon-2035: Shanghai Cooperation Organization as an axis of the global economy” during the international industrial expo INNOPROM 2024 in Russia’s Yekaterinburg, BelTA learned from the press service of the Industry Ministry.

Aleksandr Yefimov called Belarus’ accession to the SCO a logical move that is aligned with the country’s foreign policy priorities. According to him, over more than 20 years since its establishment, the organization has grown bigger and become not only a unique multilateral platform, but also an influential player in international relations. The priorities of the Republic of Belarus in the SCO remain unchanged and are fully consistent with the SCO Charter, the main document of the organization.

“Belarus wants to make the most of its potential to achieve the SCO goals. Taking into account the strategically important geographical location of our country, we are ready to bring a lot to the table using our industrial, scientific and transit potential. Given the globalized nature of the world economy, we believe it is imperative to upgrade economic systems and introduce the latest technologies in order to increase the competitiveness of products on world markets. There are many promising areas on the SCO agenda that Belarusian manufacturers are interested in,” the industry minister emphasized.

He welcomed the launch in 2024 of a SCO mechanism to arrange meetings of industry ministers and expressed readiness to continue to take an active part in them as a new member of the organization. “Belarus is proud to have become a full member of the SCO. We intend to strengthen the Shanghai Spirit of the organization based on the principles of mutual respect, equality and solidarity,” the industry minister added.
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