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03 November 2022, 13:02

Importance of Russia-Belarus industrial cooperation emphasized

MINSK, 3 November (BelTA) - It is high time we developed industrial cooperation with Belarus, Governor of Russia's Rostov Oblast Vasily Golubev told the media after his meeting with Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko in Minsk on 3 November, BelTA has learned.

Speaking about the prospects of industrial cooperation with Belarus, the head of the region said: “It is obvious that the time has come to do this. Import substitution and substitution of what we did not have and now must have in order to move forward is the obvious agenda today. Following today's conversation, the relevant instructions will be included in our documents.”

He explained that even before the sanctions were on Russia and the mass withdrawal of Western companies, Rostov Oblast placed its stake on supporting domestic manufacturers. For example, for 11 years the government in the region has been subsidizing the purchase of agricultural equipment produced domestically, as a result of which the share of such equipment in the region has reached 91%. Such a support system will be further supported, the governor said. According to him, Rostselmash continued cooperation with their Belarusian party.

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