LIDA, 31 July (BelTA) – Grodno Oblast's experience in agrifood industry and agricultural education is relevant for Uzbekistan, deputy head of Uzbekistan's Samarkand Region Oybek Khodjaev said as he met with Grodno Oblast Governor Vladimir Kravtsov, BelTA has learned.
Grodno Oblast and Samarkand Region signed a roadmap to promote cooperation in Lida on 31 July. The parties plan to start implementing the agreements soon.
“We are interested in establishing fruitful mutually beneficial cooperation, promoting closer cooperation between our organizations. More so we have something to learn from Grodno Oblast,” Oybek Khodjayev said. Among the key areas of cooperation is training of agriculture specialists at educational institutions and leading enterprises of Grodno Oblast where they can obtain the necessary on-the-job experience, he noted.
Grodno Oblast manufactures a great lineup of farm machines from tractors to a large number of mounted and trailed equipment. Cooperation in this regard will be developed more actively, including though joint ventures.
Oybek Khodjaev also suggested establishing contacts in livestock breeding, crop growing. “We have fertile soil and are working to expand the range of cultivated crops. For example, we are planning to branch out into potato growing. Here we see the prospect for mutually beneficial cooperation, exchange of experience,” Oybek Khodjaev noted.
The parties also discussed the possibility of stepping up direct mutual deliveries: fruits, nuts, vegetables and cotton from Uzbekistan, and foodstuffs, timber and glass products from Grodno Oblast.
“Areas of cooperation are really many. Grodno Oblast has a tremendous transit potential. The region is located at the crossroads of international ways and can become a gateway to European markets. Logistics has been developing by leaps and bounds,” Vladimir Kravtsov said. He highlighted the tourist attractiveness of the two regions. The parties also intend to exchange experience in restoration and conservation of architectural monuments.
Grodno Oblast is home to about 20 enterprises with Uzbek capital. For example, a large enterprise manufacturing cotton yarn and products has been set up in the Free Economic Zone Grodnoinvest
Samarkand Region has been invited to attend the Euroregion Neman business forum and expo in September 2019. This will be an excellent opportunity to lean more about the investment potential of Grodno Oblast and to network.