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05 February 2024, 14:52

Governor: Northern Sea Route will help facilitate trade with Belarus

MINSK, 5 February (BelTA) - The Northern Sea Route will help improve the logistics of trade with Belarus, Governor of Russia’s Kamchatka Territory Vladimir Solodov told the media after the meeting with the Belarusian president in Minsk on 5 February, BelTA has learned.

According to the head of the Russian region, the interaction with Belarusian colleagues and manufacturers has been quite intensive over the past two years. "We hosted a Belarusian business mission. The new milestones that we set to achieve, the instructions that Aleksandr Lukashenko gave at the meeting, are extremely important for further bilateral cooperation. Kamchatka is now implementing large-scale projects," Vladimir Solodov said.

In particular, the idea of building the Penzhin tidal power plant in the Sea of Okhotsk was mentioned at the meeting. "This is a strategic project that can change the energy system of the entire Far East. We will welcome the participation of our colleagues from Belarus in this large-scale project," the governor added.

The harnessing of the potential of the Northern Sea Route to develop bilateral trade is as important. "Kamchatka is the eastern gateway to the Northern Sea Route. It makes logistics twice as cheap and twice as short. It is a real alternative to the Suez Canal. This year, cargo turnover exceeded 20 million tonnes. When we talk about cooperation with Belarus, the main challenge is distance. This can be overcome by using the Northern Sea Route to supply Belarus with the products it needs, for example water and biological resources. Counter deliveries of agricultural products, food, paints and varnishes can ensure cargo turnover," Vladimir Solodov noted.

The parties agreed to work together on logistics, including the development of ports in Murmansk Oblast.

The visit of the Kamchatka delegation to Belarus will result in a detailed roadmap for the development of cooperation. The focus will be on supplies of fish products and aquatic and biological resources. There are already good examples of cooperation in this area. "We have outlined new prospects. For example, w will work on ensuring the rhythmic supplies of fish meal and fish oil, which are used for the production of feed in Belarus," the governor said.

Another avenue of cooperation is the supply of agricultural and quarry machinery to Kamchatka Territory. It is important that the establishment of a service center in the Far East will ensure uninterrupted maintenance.

"Nowadays, more Belarusian-made vehicles are bought by Kamchatka. In absolute terms, these figures are more modest compared to those for the major Russian regions. But what is more important is the movement forward," Vladimir Solodov stressed.

As for cooperation in tourism, the governor suggested starting with school exchanges and youth tourism, and holding a joint school Olympics. Kamchatka has hosted the National Environmental Youth Forum for several years. "I have invited the environmental leaders of Belarus, young people, to take part in our flagship event this year. it will be held in August-September," he said.

Vladimir Solodov also invited the Belarusian president to travel Kamchatka as he goes to Russia on the next visit.
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