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28 October 2022, 19:57

Export of Belarusian peat fuel products 2.3 times up in January-September

MINSK, 28 October (BelTA) – Peat industry enterprises increased the export of peat fuel products by 2.3 times in January-September 2022. Belarusian Energy Minister Viktor Karankevich mentioned it during a solemn ceremony held to review performance of the peat industry and award winners of a nationwide competition for machine operators of the Belarusian fuel and gasification industrial group Beltopgaz, BelTA has learned.

The ministry's press service quoted Viktor Karankevich as saying that despite complicated foreign economic conditions Belarusian peat industry enterprises successfully accomplished their goals in 2022. They secured a considerable increase in peat extraction in comparison with 2021. The total amount of peat extracted in Belarus in 2022 exceeds last year's figure.

Peat briquette plants sold more peat fuel on the home market and abroad. “The energy crisis presented new opportunities for the industry. Demand for Belarusian peat briquettes and dry peat surged. In January-September 2022 export shipments rose by 2.3 times in comparison with the same period of last year to 140,000 tonnes,” the energy minister said.

Measures are being taken to diversify the export of non-fuel peat-based products. The logistics of deliveries is being rerouted from the west to the east. “Opportunities for penetrating the Chinese market as a new and promising market for us are being actively explored. The first major batch of peat has already been shipped to this region by rail. Another batch is being prepared for shipment,” Viktor Karankevich added.

Thanks to massive modernization of the peat industry upon the initiative of the head of state nowadays Belarusian peat briquette plants work steadily, have clear-cut development strategies, flexibly respond to demands of the domestic market and foreign ones. Their contribution to Belarus' stronger energy security is rising, the minister stressed.

The Belarusian peat industry continues developing. Peat briquette plants gradually expand their business scopes. They supply peat to the production sector, cement mills, the housing and utilities industry, and agribusiness. “An enterprise to make peat cover materials for champignon farming was commissioned in Ivatsevichi District today. It is a new line of work for peat enterprises and will be a good boon for the development of mushroom farming in the country,” Viktor Karankevich pointed out.

The raw materials infrastructure of the peat mining enterprises is getting better. About 340ha of areas for peat extraction have been built this year, thus creating additional opportunities for enhancing the industry's potential.

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