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02 November 2022, 16:41

EEC: Work on EAEU agreement on common gas market is on home stretch

MOSCOW, 2 November (BelTA) – The work on the agreement on the common gas market in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) is on the home stretch, while the work on the creation of the common oil market is proceeding in line with the schedule, official representative of the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC) Iya Malkina told a briefing for the press answering a question from a BelTA correspondent.

“The EAEU countries closely interact while drafting international agreements on common energy markets,” said Iya Malkina. “I would like to note that the EEC is interested in finishing the work on the documents regulating the common energy markets as soon as possible. Taking into consideration the strategic importance of these matters, it is necessary to coordinate our efforts to ensure the timely implementation of the decisions taken by our heads of state and achieve the energy integration goals by 2025,” she noted.

“The draft international gas agreement is almost ready. There are several unresolved issues of fundamental character. The decisions on them are to be taken by the presidents of our countries at the meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council in December. Another priority task is to implement measures stipulated by the program documents to create the common gas market. Earlier, the parties adjusted deadlines for certain activities taking into account the progress made and the need to complete this work by 2025. Draft documents developed by the commission jointly with respective agencies of the member states will be submitted for consideration to structural divisions of the Eurasian Economic Commission and the Eurasian Economic Union,” Iya Malkina informed.

“As for the draft international oil agreement, the work on it continues according to the schedule. There is no delay,” Iya Malkina emphasized.

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