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31 August 2020, 18:01

Chambers of commerce of Belarus, China to promote bilateral business relations

MINSK, 31 August (BelTA) – The chambers of commerce and industry of Belarus and China will promote the development of business relations between the two countries, BelTA learned from the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BelCCI) following online talks between Belarusian and Chinese companies. The talks were organized by the Minsk Office of the BelCCI together with the Shanghai Office of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade.

The event was opened by Head of the Minsk Office of the BelCCI Sergei Nabeshko and Vice President of the Shanghai Office of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Iu Cheng. They reaffirmed the readiness to continue facilitating the implementation of business initiatives of the two countries using tools and capacities of the chambers of commerce and industry.

The talks also featured Consul General of Belarus in Shanghai Andrei Andreyev, BelCCI representative in China Go Fenchzhi, and representatives of eleven companies of the two countries.

The participants discussed cooperation in production and supplies of baked goods, wine, dairy products, in the leather industry, international shipments, trade in cosmetics and medical equipment.

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