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30 August 2024, 12:25

BUCE to expand cooperation with SMEs from Russia’s Pskov Oblast

Photo courtesy of BUCE
Photo courtesy of BUCE
MINSK, 30 August (BelTA) – The Belarusian Universal Commodity Exchange (BUCE) seeks to expand interaction with small and medium-sized businesses of Pskov Oblast and is ready to provide turnkey solutions for entering the market of the Republic of Belarus, including marketing support, safe settlements and assistance in dispute resolution. These proposals were put forward at the meeting of Belarusian and Pskov business circles during the Days of Vitebsk Oblast in Pskov, BelTA learned from the BUCE press service.

Such an interaction might help build business contacts between producers and consumers of goods from Belarus and Pskov Oblast, and will also facilitate the implementation of joint projects in industry and import substitution.

“Today, the key areas of exchange trade between Belarus and Pskov Oblast are the supply of building materials, sawn timber and metal products from Belarus. In particular, this year, Pskov companies regularly bought cellular concrete blocks, ceramic bricks and edged sawn timber at exchange sessions. Special attention is paid to cooperation with small and medium-sized businesses that now account for more than half of transactions. Accordingly, bringing a wider range of enterprises and entrepreneurs from the region to BUCE will be highly instrumental in boosting trade and strengthening economic relations,” the BUCE press service noted.

As of 1 August 2024, 3,939 companies from the Russian Federation were accredited at BUCE, including 43 from Pskov Oblast. In January - August, the biggest number of transactions were made by companies from Moscow Oblast, Leningrad Oblast, Smolensk Oblast and Yaroslavl Oblast, as well as the Republic of Tatarstan.
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