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07 February 2024, 16:08

Belarusian Cement Company increases block supplies to Russia in 2023

MINSK, 7 February (BelTA) - Enterprises affiliated to the Belarusian Cement Company increased the supplies of aerated concrete blocks to Russia 2.5 times in 2023, BelTA learned from the company.

The Belarusian Cement Company has completely shifted to the Russian market, not only compensating for the export volumes lost due to Western sanctions, but also significantly increasing them.

According to the company, the enterprises located in the western part of Belarus found it most difficult to reorient their sales in the recently changed economic conditions. These were Krasnoselskstroimaterialy, branch No.7 Smorgonsilikatobeton and branch No.5 Grodno Plant of Building Materials. The foreign economic activity of these plants was redirected towards Russia, which helped them expand supplies. In 2023, the growth rate of block shipments to Russia amounted to 286.7% for these three enterprises compared to 2022.

The block producer located in the eastern part of the country - branch No. 7 Orshastroimaterialy - also increased supplies of blocks to the Russian Federation last year: up 201.1% by 2022.

The efforts of the Belarusian Cement Company to increase supplies to the Russian Federation made it possible to ensure the use of production capacities and retain the personnel of the enterprises.
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