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22 November 2022, 17:44

Belarusian business ready for close cooperation with Russia's Udmurtia

MINSK, 22 November (BelTA) - Belarusian business is ready for close cooperation with Russia's Udmurtia, Chairman of the Supreme Coordinating Council of the Union of Legal Entities "National Confederation of Entrepreneurship" Andrei Kopytok during the roundtable "Udmurtia - Belarus: bilateral cooperation in retail" on 22 November, BelTA has learned.

According to Andrei Kopytok, the business entities that are members of the confederation represent a wide economic spectrum, and cooperation with the regions of Russia is one of the priority areas of foreign economic activity. One of the most visible evidence of cooperation was the agreement with Delovaya Rossiya signed in the summer.

Andrei Kopytok spoke about the preparation of a new national business platform of Belarus, which involves the development of an internal document - the code of bona fide retailers. The purpose of the document is to increase the efficiency of interaction between business entities, establish supply and logistics chains, create conditions for healthy competition of manufacturers of goods and services, promote business standards, and help meet the needs of the market. Addressing the Udmurtia partners, Andrei Kopytok suggested they make their proposals for this document to further enhance cooperation between the countries.

During the event, negotiations were also held with Udmurtia's Economy Minister Mikhail Tyumin. An agreement was reached to organize an online meeting of Belarusian and Udmurtia business entities. Plans are in place to sign a number of agreements between the confederation and regional and industry business associations of Udmurtia. The parties also discussed the development of bilateral cooperation in education, culture and science.

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