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18 December 2020, 09:00

Belarus to increase healthcare spending by a third to Br1.7bn in 2021

MINSK, 18 December (BelTA) – The national budget spending on healthcare in 2021 will increase by a third to Br1.7 billion, Belarusian First Deputy Finance Minister Dmitry Kiyko said at an expanded-participation session of the Budget and Finance Commission of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly on 17 December, BelTA has learned.

"The national budget expenditure on healthcare will increase by a third and will amount to almost Br1.7 billion. Of these, Br518 million will be used for centralized purchase of medicines. Br50 million will be used to purchase a coronavirus vaccine," said Dmitry Kiyko.

A total of Br7.2 billion is earmarked in the next year's consolidated budget to finance the healthcare sector. In general, the consolidated budget expenditures on the social sector will increase by Br1.4 billion to total Br19.6 billion (up by 7.7% from the current year).

In 2021, Br7.6 billion, or 4.8% of GDP, will be used to finance education. A total of Br1.3 billion is designated in the budget for this purpose.

A total of Br362 million will be spent to finance scientific, technology and innovation activities (an increase of 8.7% from this year). An additional source of financing is the national centralized innovation fund, which is estimated at Br99 million next year.

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