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07 August 2019, 17:25

Belarus, South Korea to develop cooperation in land administration

MINSK, 7 August (BelTA) - Belarus and the Republic of Korea intend to develop cooperation in cadastre, land administration and spatial information. A memorandum of understanding was signed by the heads of the National Cadastral Agency at the State Property Committee of Belarus and the LX Corporation of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of the Republic of Korea, BelTA learned from the press service of the State Property Committee.

The document was signed on the margins of the Smart GEO Expo 2019 running in Seoul on 7-9 August.

The memorandum formalizes the parties' agreement to promote cooperation, to exchange strategies and technologies in the field of cadastre and land administration, develop innovative technologies and provide support for the building, analyzing and utilizing of spatial information. Other areas of cooperation shall be jointly identified in the future. The memorandum provides for consultations, meetings, joint symposia and workshops and also joint research, exchange of human resources, provision of geodetic instruments and computer equipment.

Korea Land and Geospatial Informatix Corporation, or LX Corporation, fulfills the role of the national agency of Korea in handling spatial information. The predecessor, established in 1977, was responsible for national cadastral surveys, protection of the property rights of the people for 38 years. The company provides operational and accurate survey services and various cadastral spatial data services.

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