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23 November 2022, 10:27

Belarus ratifies protocol to agreement on shipment of oil products via Russian ports

MINSK, 23 November (BelTA) - The MPs adopted the draft law “On Ratification of the Protocol on Amendments to the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of the Russian Federation on Cooperation in Transportation and Transshipment of Oil Products of Belarusian Origin Intended for Export to Third Countries through Russian Seaports of 19 February 2021” at the ninth session of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus of the seventh convocation on 23 November, BelTA has learned.

The bill was submitted to the House of Representatives by the Council of Ministers. The agreement provides for guaranteed quantitative and nomenclature volumes of oil products transshipment in the ports up to and including 2023. In addition, it provides for a fixed total cost of rail transportation, services of operating companies and transshipment for all the declared annual volumes of oil products.

Signed on 23 June 2022, the protocol on this agreement encourages cooperation with business entities of the Russian Federation in transportation and transshipment of oil products of the Belarusian origin and provides for Belarusian exporters additional alternative supply routes for export of Belarusian oil products, using all Russian Federation seaports that designed for the transshipment of oil products.

In accordance with the provisions of the law “On International Treaties of the Republic of Belarus”, the only way for Belarus to express its consent to be bound by the protocol is to ratify it into law.

The draft law does not contain norms contradicting international treaties and other international legal acts related to the relevant area of legal regulation.

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