MINSK, 24 June (BelTA) - Belarus will help Leningrad Oblast with construction specialists, Governor of Russia’s Oblast Alexander Drozdenko told the media following the talks with Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko in Minks on 24 June, BelTA has learned.
"We talked about Belarus’ support of Leningrad Oblast in a number of large investment projects. Leningrad Oblast has an investment portfolio of RUB6.5 trillion. These are large construction sites, and today we talked about the help and support of Belarus, especially since we need qualified builders," the head of the region said. “The regional construction sector needs 50,000 workers, including about 10,000-12,000 qualified builders. We understand that this figure is very high. Belarusian companies can enter into subcontracts and bring certain skills. These are installers, welders, adjusters of complex digital equipment, and so on. Here we count on help and support. Right during the meeting, the president gave an instruction to the government to provide assistance and support to Leningrad Oblast in this."
The matter is about the participation of Belarusian specialists in the construction of gas chemical compounds, new nuclear power plant units, the second stage of the Vysotsky grain terminal and other large construction sites.
A promising area is the participation of Belarusian partners in the gas infrastructure development program of Leningrad Oblast, including the supply of equipment for boiler houses.
"We also talked about the use of new modern technologies. For example, during our last visit we examined the Belarusian producers of an air purity analysis system. This system is user friendly. Every person can receive air quality data on their phone. Any time of the day. We said that we would reach an agreement," Alexander Drozdenko said.
Work continues in terms of water treatment facilities within the framework of the federal project "Clean Water" and the instructions by the Russian president for Leningrad Oblast. "Here, too, we count on the support of Belarusian companies," the governor said.
As part of the transport reform, the region will buy a large amount of buses of both small and large capacity. There are also plans for cooperation in the road industry. "We want to start working together with the road companies of Belarus. We are going to lease a large amount of equipment. From 500 to 700 units. We also count on help and support in terms of this effort," Alexander Drozdenko said.
Cooperation in tourism, sanatorium and resort treatment was also discussed during the meeting. Alexander Drozdenko has great expectations from the upcoming Forum of the Regions of Belarus and Russia in Vitebsk Oblast.
"We will sign several documents with our partners there. We cooperate with the regions of Brest, Mogilev, Vitebsk, and Minsk. We will sign a new cooperation agreement with Brest Oblast. I will participate in several sections that relate to healthcare, inter-regional and economic cooperation," he said.